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The true measure of the success of your searches is the length of time new hires remain with your firm. We invest the energy and resources to understand your precise requirements and present you with candidates that will succeed.
The ever-growing number of organizations that make us their preferred search partner speaks for their satisfaction and is a testament to our achievement. When you learn more about us we know you will agree – we can become a valued resource for you.
Strongest network of highly qualified candidates
We specialize in providing strong candidates for high profile law firms and organizations.
Candidates know this and contact us when contemplating a move. We are in constant contact with highly qualified attorneys that look to us to inform them of available opportunities. We can respond to your needs more quickly than most.
Thorough screening
We screen candidates and introduce you to the most qualified individuals that fit your organization’s culture. We spend a considerable amount of time getting to know each candidate personally. We learn who they are, what they are looking for and how they fit the position you wish to fill. We only send you the most compatible. You can expect a good match with each person we present to you.
"Our tremendous success with David Carrie is a function of their having the highest quality candidates, their precise understanding of our firm culture, and the honest and enthusiastic counsel they provide candidates about their options. They are my go-to recruiter for the best associates who are the most likely to love our firm and succeed here."
John Orsini, Esq.
Hiring Partner
Friedman Kaplan Seiler & Adelman LLP