David Carrie LLC David Carrie LLC David Carrie Staffing LLC
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How many rounds of interviewing should I expect?
The interview process can be completed in anywhere from one to three rounds. Most interviewing takes place in two rounds. Firms usually include four people in each round.
What happens if I want to interview for a different practice area?
It is difficult to change practice areas when moving to a new firm. Some firms will retool top attorneys that have stellar credentials. Most firms will want to move you back in class year and salary. It may be easier to retool within your current firm.
Will firms pay for expenses incurred when interviewing out of state?
Some firms pay all expenses. Other firms ask to meet only "when the candidate is in town."
"David Carrie LLC is plugged into what's happening inside law firms. They understand the firms' priorities, growth areas and morale, and they go the extra mile to find you the best placement possible."

Jonathan Kim
O'Melveny & Myers
J.D., Harvard Law School